Generic Types

Sometimes we want to be able to work with any type. We call such types generic types. For example, the builtin list type in Acton can store any other type, so we say it is a list of A, where A is a generic type (from the specification in Acton builtins):

class list[A] (object):

    def pop(self, n :?int=-1) -> A:
        """Pop and return an item from the list"

[A] says A is a generic type. And for example, the pop() function on list returns an element of type A.

class list[A] (object):
          ^^^ --- generic types are written here, between []
                  A is a generic type used in `class list`

    def pop(self, n :?int) -> A:
                              ^--- list.pop returns an item of type A