actor main(env):
d = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "x": 42}
d["cookie"] = 3
print("Dict:", d)
print("len :", len(d))
print("item foo:", d["foo"])
print("item foo:", d.get("foo"))
print("get value when key nonexistent:", d.get("foobar"))
print("get_def value when key nonexistent:", d.get_def("foobar", "DEF_val"))
d["bar"] = 42
del d["foo"]
print("Dict:", d)
print("Dict keys: " + str(list(d.keys())))
print("Dict values: " + str(list(d.values())))
print("Dict items:")
for k, v in d.items():
print(" dict key " + k + "=" + str(v))
print("Pop item with key 'bar':", d.pop("bar"))
print("Pop item:", d.popitem())
print("Dict after .popitem():", d)
# Update dict items from items in other dict
d.update({"x": 1337}.items())
print("Dict after .update():", d)
# Use setdefault to set a value if it does not already exist in the dict
print("setdefault for existing key 'x' returns:", d.setdefault("x", "DEF_val"))
print("setdefault for new key 'new' returns:", d.setdefault("new", "DEF_val"))
# Get a shallow copy of a dict. Note the use of .items() to get keys and values
new_d = dict(d.items())
Compile and run:
actonc dicts.act
Building project in /home/user/foo
Compiling example.act for release
Finished compilation in 0.122 s
Final compilation step
Finished final compilation step in 13.381 s
Dict: {'foo':1, 'bar':2, 'x':42, 'cookie':3}
len : 4
item foo: 1
item foo: 1
get value when key nonexistent: None
get_def value when key nonexistent: DEF_val
Dict: {'bar':42, 'x':42, 'cookie':3}
Dict keys: ['bar', 'x', 'cookie']
Dict values: [42, 42, 3]
Dict items:
dict key bar=42
dict key x=42
dict key cookie=3
Pop item with key 'bar': 42
Pop item: ('cookie', 3)
Dict after .popitem(): {'x':42}
Dict after .update(): {'x':1337}
setdefault for existing key 'x' returns: 1337
setdefault for new key 'new' returns: DEF_val